Health Center

  • Before: Health Center Micro Market
  • After: Health Center Micro Market
  • After: Health Center Micro Market

While other personnel in the Maintenance Project Management Department come from a background in shops and trades, Project Manager Jill Thompson's background is a bit more unique. Thompson graduated with a degree in Interior Design from the University of Georgia, making her one of the only project managers with a formal background in design. Her approach to projects has been influenced by her innate ability to beautify a room, as well as her intention to provide accessible solutions to invisible issues that others might not be aware of.

At the UGA Health Center, Thompson worked to renovate an existing space near the Health Promotion Department into a micro-market that could provide food options for faculty, staff and students: “A lot of times, people have to go all the way across campus or downtown to get things to eat or drink. It is not convenient, especially for auxiliary workers in the Health Center or students in this particular building who may be facing a health issue. Interventions like the micro-markets reduce the amount of time, energy and money spent going elsewhere just to acquire the basic necessities. The micro-markets are designed to carry a variety of items and allows for purchase of products anytime the building is operational.  This means, with its self-serve technology, university members can also access items throughout the day and not have to wait on typical store hours. It’s also packed with some really good, healthy and nutritious food or drink options for all different types of diets.  With the renovation at the University Health Center, UGA’s campus has now completed 10 market locations, operated by UGA Vending Services.  With the positive feedback received, I would bet, there are many more to come.”