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The University of Georgia is committed to protecting the safety and health of its students, employees, visitors, and the environment. Each FMD Director has the responsibility of protecting our personnel from occupational and environmental hazards. Department supervisors are to ensure that appropriate safety equipment and personal protective equipment are properly used. Each employee is ultimately responsible for his own safety and the safety of others in their crew.

If you have a safety concern, please report it so the issue can be corrected.


NearMiss Submit a Near Miss Report here.


Safety Training and Documents


Contact Us

Hope Thomas
Hope Thomas , Industrial Hygienist Safety Manager
Kenneth McDaniel, Assistant Safety and Compliance Officer
Star Scott, Green Labs Program Manager


To maintain a safe environment for students, employees and visitors, it is important that UGA be informed, at the earliest possible date, of any injuries that occur on its premises or to employees in the course of their work responsibilities. This policy applies to all University of Georgia Facilities Management Division (FMD) employees.
Click here for the injury reporting site
In the event of a work-related injury, the supervisor of the injured employee should submit an injury report as soon as possible after the supervisor is notified of any injury, but no later than the first working day following the injury. The supervisor must follow the workers’ compensation reporting process and should make his or her respective supervisor aware of the injury.
Work-related injuries are defined as those occurring to employees of UGA (e.g., faculty, staff and student employees) while in the course of employment as defined by workers’ compensation.