Utility & Energy Management

Office of Utility & Energy Management
UGA’s Office of Utility & Energy Management (UEM) manages the purchase of energy and water utilities, operation of the UGA Central Steam Plant, utility submetering, existing building commissioning and utility locating.
UEM also supports capital spending for campus energy systems and leads energy utility master planning efforts.
Jason Perry, Director of Utility & Energy Management
(706) 542-4768
Central Steam Production
UGA’s Central Steam Plant generates steam for comfort heating, humidification, and sterilization applications in buildings across campus. Steam is produced via a combination of four dual fuel (Natural Gas/No.2 Heating Oil) boilers and an electrode boiler and distributed to campus buildings via seven miles of underground steam and condensate return piping. The Central Steam Plant is staffed around the close, every day of the year to ensure continuous and safe steam production to support the needs of campus.
Michael Coile, Steam Plant Operations Manager
(706) 542-1964
Don LaRue, Assistant Steam Plant Operations Manager
(706) 424-7945
Josh Clark, Supervisor of Operations & Maintenance
Energy Management
UEM’s energy management team is responsible for utility planning, utility metering and billing, energy forecasting and auditing and is actively involved in design review and project evaluations. The energy management team is also responsible for coordination of utility connections and disconnections and serves as a single point of contact to external utility providers.
Vacant, Energy Engineer
Carrie Yancey, Business Manager
(706) 542-7416
Keith Ingram, UEM Technician
(706) 542-3252
Building Commissioning
UEM’s Building Commissioning team is charged with retro-commissioning existing campus buildings to identify energy conservation and facility improvement opportunities through a combination of functional performance testing, data analytics, fault detection and diagnostics and energy savings project identification, evaluation and execution. This team is financially self-supporting and accountable through a robust measurement and verification program.
Gordon Stead, Commissioning Engineer
(706) 542-6901
Jim Mize, Commissioning Technician
(706) 542-7469
Mike Seagraves, Commissioning Technician
(706) 542-7469
Utility Locating
UEM manages the State of Georgia “811 Call before you dig” program for the University of Georgia with a team of utility locators who identify university owned electricity, water, sewer, natural gas, steam, and chilled water utilities on campus.
Georgia’s Call before you dig – 811 program is intended to help protect life safety and UGA’s underground utility infrastructure from excavation related damage. Any excavation activity on campus requires communication through the state 811 – Call before you dig process.
Stephen Goad, Utility Distribution Coordinator
(706) 542-3070