Please visit our HVAC website for FAQ, building-specific information sheets and to learn more about how FMD is helping to maintain and improve healthy indoor air quality.
Please visit our interactive webmap and click on the building that you are interested in to learn more. Many buildings have multiple efforts, so be sure to use the arrow button at the top of the pop-up screen to scroll through the actions and projects associated with each building.
Due to UGA Right to Know safety precautions and our campus wide chemical reduction program/green cleaning program, we ask that traditional cleaning products are not brought to campus. Please use the disinfectant stations located throughout the campus for your personal spaces, offices, or classroom areas. All RI buildings are disinfected nightly. For additional Cleaning & Frequency Guidelines, refer to the FMD Facility Responsibility Guide (PDF).
Items related to COVID-19 can be ordered from the FMD Warehouse. Current supplies are listed HERE (PDF).
Building classifications can be found on the RI vs Non-RI Buildings page.
The Facilities Management Division has already installed locks on individual-use restrooms throughout campus. Requests for locks on multi-use restrooms in response to COVID-19 planning will generally not be implemented for the following reasons:
- Restricting multiple fixture restrooms to single use reduces the fixture availability in the building which could be a violation of plumbing code requirements.
- Limiting use to single user restricts the availability of hand washing facilities which are important to maintaining sanitation recommendations.
- Locking restroom doors at multi-user sites will cause queueing in hallways.
- Locking devices for restrooms that include ADA capable facilities cannot use slide-latch or thumb type occupancy sign mechanisms – they must meet ADA legal requirements.
Rather than modifying doors to limit restroom access, it is recommended that appropriate signage be posted to remind users to respect others and utilize physical distancing measures in these areas.
Requests for COVID-19 exceptions to this process can be referred to the Preventative Measures Advisory Board (PMAB@uga.edu).
Other exceptions can be referred to Ralph Johnson, Assoc. VP for Facilities Management, (rfj@uga.edu)
All UGA Faculty and Staff Members are encouraged to reduce deskside waste by separating their recycle material from their waste at their desk. For additional information and to request Deskside Waste Reduction Systems, please fill out the qualtrics form HERE.
Safety specfications for the sanitizer used by FMD can be found HERE (PDF).
You can find more information on sneeze guards HERE.
You can find more information about cleaning HERE (PDF). You can also view the custodial cleaning video HERE.
If your office or room has been recently occupied by a person who tested positive for COVID 19 or someone who was exposed to a person who tested positive for COVID 19, please fill out the form HERE to request an office/room disinfection. Based on the information provided, FMD will determine if a COVID disinfection protocol is necessary.
The Facilities Management Division (FMD) is taking many measures to help keep our students, faculty, and staff safe as we all return to campus; however, we need your help in preparing any appliance that provides water for consumption in offices, break rooms, work areas, or conference rooms. In accordance with the Center for Disease Control (CDC) Guidance for Reopening Buildings after Prolonged Shutdown or Reduced Operation, FMD is requesting that all building occupants take a few minutes as they return to campus to flush the stagnate water, clean, and sanitize all personal or departmental appliances that use water. The appliances should be cleaned and sanitized in accordance with the manufacturer's directions and operated for several cycles prior to using the water for human consumption. Additionally, department staff should flush both the hot and cold water faucets of sinks that are contained within their spaces for at least 3 minutes prior to use.
FMD staff who remained on campus during the time of reduced operation periodically flushed water through the fixtures of public restrooms, drinking fountains, and community areas. The FMD team will continue to do so as part of our routine cleaning and maintenance processes for public spaces. Please remember that departmental breakroom appliance cleaning/maintenance does not fall under the routine cleaning for Building Services staff members.
Examples of appliances that departmental staff need to flush include:
- Coffee makers with supplied water- clean and sanitize the coffee maker in accordance with the manufacturer's directions and run it for at least three cycles
- Ice makers- empty and dispose of the existing ice, clean and sanitize the ice bin in accordance with the manufacturer's directions, and then dispose of the ice produced for two additional cycles
- Water dispensers built into refrigerators- flush at least 3 gallons of water through the device and change the filter, if indicated
- Freestanding, bottle supplied, water dispensers- follow the water delivery supplier's directions
For more information please visit https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/php/buildingwater-system.html .
You can find more information about cleaning HERE (PDF). A usage video for the disinfectant wipe stations can also be viewed HERE. You can also view a video about changing disinfectant wipe stations HERE.
You can find more information about disinfectant wipe stations HERE (PDF).
UGA campus staff orientation information can be found HERE (PDF).